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Hafiziye Mh. Fergül İş Merkezi

Cupping Therapy

Cupping, which has been used as a form of treatment since the time of our Prophet, has started to take an active place in today’s treatment system. Many treatment practices in Eastern medicine are based on antioxidant methods.

The effect of cupping can be better explained with the days it is performed, its locations in the body and its effects on the body after it is performed. Cupping is performed after the second half of the Hijri month, when the skin capillary circulation increases with the effect of the gravitational force of the moon and the waste substances called free radicals are concentrated in the skin. Cleansing the body from toxin-intensive blood will reduce the burden of purification of the body.

In periods when the content of food and air changes due to spring transitions and the body is forced to purify and metabolize, a little bloodletting is instrumental in the purification and relaxation of the superficial nerve and capillary blood circulation called dermatome.

In addition, cupping is of great importance in the regulation of energy centers and channels by being performed on the channels called meridians and chakras in acupuncture, especially on the bile, bladder and suprarenal channels. It is seen that cupping is based on very solid foundations as a mechanism of action.

Places of cupping; cupping can be performed from many parts of the body. Even new regions can be determined according to diseases. But the general and most suitable places are the back and the back of the head.

On the back, especially the areas above the 3 fingers between the two shoulder blades are the areas where the back energy lines are located. Since these areas are where the energy channels pass, any accumulation of waste can cause the energy lines to stop working. In these cases, the organs related to the energy lines lose their ability to work and discomforts arise.

The back of the head is the center of the energy lines distributed to the head and the whole body. It is also where brain blood supply is coordinated. For this reason, this region is actively used in the treatment of many ailments, including forgetfulness, vertigo and headaches.

The first 15 days of the Arabian months are times of increased activity in the body and the universe. During these times, activities are faster, intensity and increases are higher. These increases in the body begin to decrease after the first 15 days. Since cupping is the removal of what accumulates in the body, cupping at the end of these first 15 days will provide maximum benefit. For this reason, the 17th-19th-21st days of the Arabian months are taken into consideration when removing the accumulated blood. In addition, every spring is a period of organ and blood exchange. Preferring cupping during these periods will contribute to our health. This timing is valid for those who do it regularly every year. However, in emergencies requiring treatment, cupping can be performed at any time. Depending on the patient’s condition, sometimes days of the week and sometimes days of the month can be evaluated.

Cupping can be repeated maximum once a month depending on the condition. It is appropriate to repeat it every three months. If there is no discomfort, it will be appropriate to perform cupping twice a year in the spring for preventive purposes.

Things to be considered; cupping should be performed in sterile environments and by competent people.

Performing cupping on an empty stomach will increase its effect.

It is important not to take animal foods before and one or two days after cupping in terms of the efficiency of cupping.

Anyone after 2 years of age can have cupping. Only those with chronic conditions such as diabetes and anemia should undergo cupping under the supervision of a doctor.

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