What is it?
Diabetes is the body’s inability to regulate blood sugar levels. There are two main types, Type 1 and Type 2.
Why is it seen?
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and genetic factors are effective. Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance and the pancreas not producing enough insulin; genetics, obesity and sedentary lifestyle are important factors.
What are the Symptoms?
- Excessive thirst
- Frequent urination
- Excessive hunger
- Weight loss (in Type 1)
- Fatigue
- Blurred vision
Who Can See It?
It can occur in people of all ages, but Type 1 is more common in children and young people, while Type 2 is more common in adults and the elderly.
Which Age Range Does It Occur?
Type 1 diabetes is more common in childhood and adolescence, while Type 2 diabetes is more common in people aged 45 and over.
Chronic Fatigue
What is it?
Chronic fatigue is a condition characterized by a constant and prolonged feeling of tiredness that does not go away with rest.
Why is it seen?
Stress, infections, immune system problems, hormonal imbalances and psychological factors can cause chronic fatigue.
What are the Symptoms?
- Constant fatigue
- Muscle and joint pain
- Memory and concentration problems
- Sleep problems
- Headache
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages, but it is more common in adults and people with stressful lifestyles.
What Age Range Does It Occur?
It is generally more common in individuals between the ages of 30-50.
Obesity (Weight Problems)
What is it?
Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body and can lead to various health problems.
Why is it seen?
An unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle, genetic factors, hormonal imbalances and certain medications can cause obesity.
What are the Symptoms?
- Excess body weight
- Shortness of breath
- Joint pain
- Fatigue
- Sleep apnea
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages, but it is more common in people with unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles.
Which Age Range Is It Seen?
It can be seen in all age groups, but it is generally more common in adults.
Immune System Weakness
What is it?
Immune system weakness is the body’s inability to develop a strong enough defense against infections and diseases.
Why is it seen?
Chronic diseases, nutritional deficiencies, stress, insufficient sleep, certain medications and aging can cause immune system weakness.
What are the Symptoms?
- Frequent infections
- Slow healing wounds
- Fatigue
- Digestive problems
- Skin infections
Who can get it?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages, but children, the elderly and those with chronic diseases are more at risk.
In Which Age Range?
It can be seen in all age groups, but is generally more common in children and the elderly.
General Detoxification (Cleansing from Toxins)
What is it?
General detoxification is the process of removing harmful toxins from the body and is usually supported by nutrition, lifestyle changes and some therapies.
Why is it seen?
Environmental pollutants, processed foods, chemicals, medications and stress can cause toxin accumulation in the body.
What are the Symptoms?
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Digestive problems
- Skin problems
- Mental fuzziness
Who Can See It?
Toxin accumulation can be seen in individuals of all ages, but it is more common in people who eat unhealthy diets and are exposed to environmental toxins.
Which Age Range Does It Occur?
It can be seen in all age groups, but is generally more common in adults.