What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is defined as a state of constant and excessive worry and anxiety.
Why is it seen?
Genetic predisposition, traumatic events, stress and imbalances in brain chemicals play a role in anxiety.
What are the Symptoms?
Constant worry and fear
Sleep problems
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages.
What Age Range Does It Occur?
It can occur in any age group, but is usually more common in young adults.
What is it?
Depression is a prolonged state of sadness, loss of interest and loss of pleasure in daily activities.
Why is it seen?
Genetic factors, imbalances in brain chemicals, traumatic life events and chronic stress can cause depression.
What are the Symptoms?
Constant sadness
Sleep problems
Appetite changes
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages.
In which age range is it seen?
It usually starts during adolescence and young adulthood, but can be seen in any age group.
Panic Attack
What is it?
Panic attacks are sudden and intense bouts of fear and anxiety.
Why are they seen?
Genetic predisposition, stress, traumatic events and imbalances in brain chemicals can cause panic attacks.
What are the Symptoms?
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages.
Which Age Range Is It Seen?
It is usually more common in young adults.
Sleep Disorders
What is it?
Sleep disorders refer to conditions that negatively affect the quality and quantity of sleep.
Why are they seen?
Stress, anxiety, depression, lifestyle and some medical conditions can cause sleep disorders.
What are the Symptoms?
Insomnia (insomnia)
Oversleeping (hypersomnia)
Stopping breathing during sleep (sleep apnea)
Sleep walking (somnambulism)
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages.
In Which Age Range?
It can occur in every age group.
Headaches and Migraine
What is a headache?
Headaches are pains felt in any part of the head. Migraine is a chronic type of headache characterized by throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head.
Why is it seen?
Stress, fatigue, hormonal changes, certain foods and environmental factors can trigger headaches and migraines.
What are the Symptoms?
Sensitivity to light and sound
Visual disturbances (auras)
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages, but it is more common in women.
In which age range is it seen?
It usually starts during adolescence and may continue into adulthood.
What is it?
Tremor is an involuntary and rhythmic tremor of a part of the body.
Why is it seen?
Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, essential tremor and some medications are among the causes of tremor.
What are the Symptoms?
Involuntary tremor
Trembling of the hands, arms, head or voice
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages.
In Which Age Range?
It can occur in every age group.
Multiple Skleroz (MS)
What is it?
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease caused by damage to the myelin sheaths of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Why is it seen?
Autoimmune reactions, genetic factors and environmental factors are among the causes of MS.
What are the Symptoms?
Loss of vision
Muscle weakness
Coordination disorders
Who Does It Occur in?
It is more common in young adults.
In which age range is it seen?
It usually starts between the ages of 20-40.
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson hastalığı, beyin hücrelerinin dopamin üretimindeki azalma sonucu ortaya çıkan ilerleyici bir nörodejeneratif hastalıktır.
Neden Görülür?
Genetik faktörler ve çevresel toksinler hastalığın nedenleri arasında yer alır.
Belirtileri Nelerdir?
- Titreme
- Kas sertliği
- Hareketlerde yavaşlama
- Denge sorunları
Kimlerde Görülür?
Daha çok yaşlı bireylerde görülür.
Hangi Yaş Aralığında Görülür?
Genellikle 60 yaş ve üzeri bireylerde başlar.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Huzursuz bacak sendromu, bacaklarda huzursuzluk hissi ve hareket ettirme isteği ile karakterize bir durumdur.
Neden Görülür?
Genetik yatkınlık, demir eksikliği ve bazı kronik hastalıklar neden olabilir.
Belirtileri Nelerdir?
- Bacaklarda huzursuzluk hissi
- Gece artan semptomlar
- Hareket ettirme isteği
- Uyku bozuklukları
Kimlerde Görülür?
Her yaştan bireyde görülebilir, ancak kadınlarda daha yaygındır.
Hangi Yaş Aralığında Görülür?
Her yaş grubunda ortaya çıkabilir.
What is it?
Polyneuropathy is a condition characterized by damage to peripheral nerves.
Why is it seen?
Diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, infections and some autoimmune diseases can cause polyneuropathy.
What are the Symptoms?
Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
Muscle weakness
Balance problems
Who Can See It?
It can be seen in individuals of all ages.
In which age range is it seen?
It is generally more common in adults.